音楽:Imperial & Minit Years を ネットで探す

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Imperial & Minit Years


1. The Thrill Is Gone
2. If You Were A Man
3. Missin' My Baby
4. My Love Grows Deeper
5. He Always Comes Back To Me
6. Soft And Gentle Ways
7. Ready, Willing And Able
8. We Got A Good Thing Goin'
9. One Of Those Good For Crying Over You Days
10. My Mistakes Of Yesterday
11. I'll Never Stop Loving You
12. Shing-A-Ling
13. One Part, Two Part
14. Love Now Pay Later
15. Good Kind Of Hurt
16. I'm Glad I'm A Woman
17. If You Love Me Like You Say
18. Ode To Billie Joe
19. Something To Remember You By
20. The Way I Love My Man


Album Details
Texan born singer Clydie King is better known as a backing singer, having worked for many of the great names, including Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Ray Charles (she was in fact a Rae-lett), Joe Cocker, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Crosby, Stills & Nash and many others. She was one of the most in demand backing vocalists during her decades of singing; yet she only released one album of her own. Her career began when she was still a teenage, fronting the band Little Clydie and the Teens. She then recorded a series of singles for various labels, including RPM, Minit, Imperial, Specialty, Phillips and Lizard. In 1966 she became one of the original Rae-Letts backing Ray Charles and later dueting with him on his album Love Country Style released in 1970. King sang on The Supremes song Nathan Jones as well as the Dylan project Dylan's Gospel. Around the same time her band the Blackberries signed to Motown where they recorded an album which was never released - King was too busy recording for other labels to find time to promote the release. Her next band was called Brown Sugar and in 1973 King had her first and only chart hit with Loneliness (Will Bring Us Together Again). This album features all of the singles released through Imperial and Minit Records between 1964 and 1968 in chronological order. The album includes the two duets she recorded with the equally under rated Jimmy Holiday; Ready Willing and Able is an up-tempo funky number reminiscent of the girl group sounds of the time. In addition there are 8 bonus tracks, recorded during the Minit and Imperial years which have never before been released on any format.


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Imperial & Minit Years
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