音楽:10,000 BC を ネットで探す

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キーワード:[BC]←を指定して商品探す /[2008-02-11のランキング]を見る


↓↓↓↓10,000 BC↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
10,000 BC


1. Opening
2. Mountain Of The Gods
3. Speech
4. Evolet
5. Mannak Hunt
6. Celebration
7. I Was Not Brave
8. Night Of The Tiger
9. Lead Them
10. Terror Birds
11. Wounded Hunter
12. Food
13. Good-Byes
14. Sea Of Sand
15. Wise Man
16. He Was My Father
17. Mark Of The Hunter
18. Free The Mannaks
19. Not A God
20. You Came For Me


Album Description
From director Roland Emmerich (Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day) comes a sweeping odyssey into a mythical age of prophesies and gods, when spirits rule the land and mighty mammoths shake the earth. In a remote mountain tribe, the young hunter, D'Leh (Steven Strait), has found his heart's passion--the beautiful Evolet (Camilla Belle). When a band of mysterious warlords raid his village and kidnap Evolet, D'Leh is forced to lead a small group of hunters to pursue the warlords to the end of the world to save her. Driven by destiny, the unlikely band of warriors must battle saber-tooth tigers and prehistoric predators and, at their heroic journey's end, they uncover a Lost Civilization. Their ultimate fate lies in an empire beyond imagination, where great pyramids reach into the skies. Here they will take their stand against a powerful god who has brutally enslaved their people. Warner Bros. Pictures presents 10,000 BC, opening March 7 in theatres nationwide. The Decca soundtrack will be released on March 11 and features original music by Harald Kloser and Thomas Wander, composers of Day After Tomorrow.


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↓↓↓↓10,000 BC↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
10,000 BC
↑↑↑↑10,000 BC↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

CD 販売のバナー広告



B0012GXBCA:[60s 70s 80sを聴く,商品を探す]
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